#034: Darci Bartlett, President of the Non-Profit Interim Innkeepers Network, Discusses Temporary Staffing Options
For episode #34 of the Frictionless Innkeeper podcast series, we speak with Darci Bartlett, President of the Interim Innkeepers Network, a nonprofit organization that helps to place short- and long-term temporary innkeepers at properties where the owners need to take time off.
Being an innkeeper is a 24/7 job that can be all encompassing, where taking time off is a luxury that does not happen very often. Whether you need to attend an important event, supplement your existing staff during peak periods, or simply get away to recharge, the Interim Innkeepers Network connects innkeepers with experienced temporary staff across the United States and provides a seamless transition for a wide range of needs.
This episode will certainly give innkeepers a sense of relief to know that there’s a trusted staffing service that can help in many situations.
We are very thankful to Darci Bartlett for sharing her insights with us! You can learn more about the Interim Innkeepers Network here.