Fall Into Networking: The Start of Lodging Conference Season is Upon Us
It’s hard to believe that fall is upon us. It’s time to put away the sunscreen and pull out the sweaters! To many, it will be a welcome relief from those 100+ degree days. There’s nothing better than crisp autumn days and all things pumpkin!
Fall not only ushers in cooler temps and maybe a little snow on some mountain peaks, it also marks the beginning of state, regional and national lodging association conferences. These conferences provide a great opportunity for both aspiring and experienced lodging providers to come together to exchange ideas, learn new business strategies from respected speakers and discover innovative products and services.
The first conference will be here before you know it. So get planning and register for a conference or maybe two! Where will we see you?
For your convenience the following list of upcoming conferences has been compiled for you.
• October 27th – 29th, 2024: Michigan B & B Association at the Amway Grand Plaza in Grand Rapids, MI.
• November 3rd – 6th, 2024: Select Registry at the Rancho Bernardo Inn in San Diego, CA.
• November 12th – 13th, 2024: Washington Independent Inns Network at The Winds Casino Resort in Arlington, WA.
• November 12th – 14th, 2024: New England Inns & Resorts Association at the Cliff House Maine in Cape Neddick, ME.
• November 18th – 20th, 2024: Mid Atlantic Innkeepers at the DoubleTree Resort in Lancaster, PA.
• December 3 – 5th, 2024: Midwest Association of Independent Inns at the Holiday Inn & Suites Bien VenU Event Center in Cedar Falls, IA.
• March 24th – 27th, 2025: Association of Lodging Professionals at the Galt House in Louisville, KY.